My solar panels

mes panneaux solaires création site web

My solar panels

We are delighted to present our work carried out with passion and expertise to highlight the services of installation of solar panels.

Our goal was to create a site that was both informative, user-friendly and visually appealing, in order to captivate visitors as soon as they landed on the homepage. We have carefully designed an intuitive and modern interface, highlighting the advantages of solar energy and the unique services offered by our client.

The design of our showcase site reflects the very essence of solar energy, with bright visuals, warm colors and a clean aesthetic. We also focused on using engaging visuals, such as images of solar panels in action, to generate visitor interest and engagement.

In terms of content, we worked closely with our client to create impactful and informative texts. Every aspect of installing solar panels has been described in detail, highlighting the economic, ecological and sustainable benefits of this technology. We have also incorporated testimonials from satisfied customers and case studies to build our client’s credibility and demonstrate their expertise in the field.

Navigation on our showcase site is fluid and intuitive, allowing visitors to easily find the information they are looking for. Additionally, we’ve integrated contact forms and strategically placed calls to action to encourage visitors to take action, such as requesting a quote or scheduling a consultation.

We are proud of the end result of this project and the positive impact it has on promoting solar panel installation services. Our talented team of web design experts worked with dedication to create an engaging, informative and compelling online experience for our client.

The following elements were made for this collaboration:

  • Construction of a showcase site – Responsive site
  • Content Management System – CMS Management and Integration
  • Creation of custom templates
  • Integration of photo galleries and sliders
  • Setting up SEO
  • Call to action – booking
  • Form integration
  • Creation of visuals
  • Social Media Management Tips

Our last projects.

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